Masturbation is the sexual stimulation of one's own genitals, usually to the point of orgasm. The stimulation can be performed using the hands, fingers, everyday objects, or dedicated sex toys. Masturbation is the more frequently discussed, more roundly condemned, and more universally practiced sexual activity. Nearly all men and three fourths of all women masturbate sometime during their lives. More and more female are now masturbating because.

Sexuality is increasingly considered as a positive aspect of being female and masturbation as a legitimate sexual activity

Negative attitude towards female masturbation is decreasing even among males

Women are learning about masturbation at an earlier age
Masturbation is natural.It is a perfectly healthy activity at any age. Babies explore their bodies and learn quickly that touching their sex organs feels good. Experts recommend that parents should teach children that it's normal to touch sex organs for pleasure butit should be done in private.With the approach of puberty there is upsurge of sex hormones. With the development of secondary sex characteristics sexual curiosity intensifies and masturbation increases. In general, males learn to masturbate to orgasm earlier than females and masturbate more frequently. The style of each individual is unique. In males there is less diversity in masturbation patterns than females.
Taboos against masturbation have generated myths that masturbation causes mental illness, blindness, stunting of growth, damage to sex organs andlow sexual potency. No scientific evidence supports such claims.There is no harm in masturbation so long as someone enjoys it. The only ill effect it may result is feeling of anxiety or guilty associated with it. Half of the adult women and men who masturbate feel guilty about it. Masturbation is the safest form of sex possible. It's not possible at all to get pregnant from masturbating. But frequent or rough masturbation can sometimes cause minor skin irritation.
Some people enjoy masturbation more than intercourse because of greater intensity of orgasm from masturbation. It is a pleasurable sexual outlet for people without partners, including the elderly. For couples it can be helpful where one partner is ill, during pregnancy or just after childbirth. It is beneficial to persons whose sex drives are greater than their partners. Finally it is a gratifying way of releasing stress and tension. Many people use it for a good sleep as it relaxes muscles.
There cannot be an appropriate frequency of masturbation. The timing, circumstances, frequency and provocative factor differ from person to person. It's not really matters how many times one masturbates in a day or week. Some people masturbate every day or even more than once a day. Masturbation becomes pathological when itgets in the way of daily activities -the person thinks of masturbation and nothing else, practices it excessively and compulsorily and rejects all other forms of sexual release.This problem should be dealt by a trained professional.
Masturbation is generally a solo activity done in privacy. But sometimes two persons, male or female masturbate each other. This is known as mutual masturbation.Fantasizing is an important part of masturbatory activity particularly for male. Men usually fantasize about women’s breast and genitals while females fantasize about romance and being forced to submit to intercourse.But with masturbation satisfaction is totally physical. The feeling of satisfaction is not so deep or long as compared to intercourse.
One of the most important ways we learn about our sexuality is through masturbation. There is mounting evidence that lack of masturbation experience may lead to psychosexual problems such as impotence and anorgasmia. By increasing awareness of our sexual preferences, capabilities and personal limits, masturbation may equip us to make better and more responsible sexual choices for ourselves.
Masturbation is a normal and healthy part of human sexuality which should be accepted and enjoyed. For various reasons, some people choose not to masturbate at all and some practice it sometimes. But they are not abnormal since sexual decision is always personal.